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France Football Song


French National Football Team Highlights from the 2022 FIFA World Cup

Merci les Bleus - Vegedream

Vegedream Celebrates French Victory with New Song

French musician Vegedream has released a new song, "Ramenez la Coupe à la Maison" (Bring the Cup Back Home), to celebrate the French National Football Team's victory in the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

The song was released on July 19, 2018, just days after France defeated Croatia in the final. It features Vegedream's signature energetic style and lyrics that praise the team's performance.

The song has been a hit in France, reaching number one on the charts. It has also been popular internationally, with fans of the French team singing it at celebrations around the world.

Vegedream is a French rapper and singer-songwriter. He is best known for his 2016 hit single "La France est belle" (France is Beautiful), which was adopted as the unofficial anthem of the French national football team during the 2018 World Cup.

